Adding some more judges, here and there.
[andmenj-acm.git] / lib / Mi manual de algoritmos / version_world_finals_2009 / src / grafos / dinic.cpp
1 /*
2 ACRush's Dinic algorithm for maximum flow
3 Complexity: O(E V^2)
5 Usage:
6 init(number of nodes, source, sink);
7 Create graph using add_edge(int u, int v, int c1, int c2):
8 This adds two directed edges: u -> v with capacity c1
9 and v -> u with capacity c2.
10 c2 by default is 0.
11 After creating the graph, nedge contains the number of
12 total edges.
13 dinic_flow();
14 This doesn't modify the capacity of the original graph,
15 so you can run the algorithm several times on the same
16 graph.
17 If you want to run the algorithm with different sources/sinks
18 assign the correct value to src and dest before calling
19 dinic_flow().
22 const int maxnode=2*55 + 5; const int
23 maxedge=maxnode*(maxnode-1)/2; const int oo=1000000000;
25 int node,src,dest,nedge; int
26 head[maxnode],point[maxedge],next[maxedge],
27 flow[maxedge],capa[maxedge];
28 int dist[maxnode],Q[maxnode],work[maxnode];
30 void init(int _node,int _src,int _dest) { node=_node;
31 src=_src; dest=_dest; for (int i=0;i<node;i++) head[i]=-1;
32 nedge=0; } void add_edge(int u,int v,int c1,int c2 = 0) {
33 point[nedge]=v,capa[nedge]=c1,flow[nedge]=0,
34 next[nedge]=head[u],head[u]=(nedge++);
35 point[nedge]=u,capa[nedge]=c2,flow[nedge]=0,
36 next[nedge]=head[v],head[v]=(nedge++);
37 } bool dinic_bfs() { memset(dist,255,sizeof(dist));
38 dist[src]=0; int sizeQ=0; Q[sizeQ++]=src; for (int
39 cl=0;cl<sizeQ;cl++) for (int k=Q[cl],i=head[k];i>=0;i=next[i])
40 if (flow[i]<capa[i] && dist[point[i]]<0) {
41 dist[point[i]]=dist[k]+1; Q[sizeQ++]=point[i]; } return
42 dist[dest]>=0; } int dinic_dfs(int x,int exp) { if (x==dest)
43 return exp; for (int &i=work[x];i>=0;i=next[i]) { int
44 v=point[i],tmp; if (flow[i]<capa[i] && dist[v]==dist[x]+1 &&
45 (tmp=dinic_dfs(v,min(exp,capa[i]-flow[i])))>0) { flow[i]+=tmp;
46 flow[i^1]-=tmp; return tmp; } } return 0; } int dinic_flow() {
47 for (int i=0; i<nedge; ++i) flow[i] = 0; int result=0; while
48 (dinic_bfs()) { for (int i=0;i<node;i++) work[i]=head[i];
49 while (1) { int delta=dinic_dfs(src,oo); if (delta==0) break;
50 result+=delta; } } return result; }